Installing SmartCite Add-in for Word

To install SmartCite, you will need to search the ADD-in Store for "SmartCite" and install it into your version of Word. You can find the Add-in Store by clicking on "Add-Ins":

You can search for SmartCite in the search tab and add it directly from there or click on "More Add-ins" and access the Store tab through a popup window to locate it there:

Note: if you are using an older version of Word you'll be able to locate the Add-In Store in the "Insert" tab.

When you find SmartCite in the Store, select ADD and it will be added to the REFERENCES tab of your menu bar on the far right.

Getting set up: 

The first time you log into SmartCite you will be asked to log-in as you normally do through your Papers apps, with your Papers account. Once authenticated, you will see your library populate automatically.

Inserting references:

Use the “References” tab to search your library for references to cite. Select one or more search results, and click the bottom “Insert Citation” button to add to your document (at the current cursor location).

To update an existing citation in your document, click on it so that the citation is activated (gray “highlight”). You will notice it opens back up in the SmartCite panel, where you'll be able to click on the cog icon for extra editing options:

To delete a reference simply click on the cog icon, select the "Remove citation" option and then click the "Update citation" button at the bottom. For citations with multiple references, an individual reference can be deleted by clicking on the corresponding cog button in the right-side panel, selecting the "Remove citation" option followed by the “Update Citation” button. You can also change the order by dragging the grey boxes in the desired order. For any change to take effect you'll need to click "Update Citation" at the bottom of the panel.

To add a bibliography, click the “Bibliography” tab, select a citation style you want to use and then click the “Insert Bibliography” button at the bottom.

Search in the “Bibliography” section to update with another citation style anytime. Please note that in order to change the inline styling, you need to insert a bibliography.

Please note: SmartCite for Word and Google Docs is currently not cross-compatible. you will need to choose and select one program to insert and update your references. If you need to work cross-platform, our recommendation is to use placeholders inline and insert the references as your final step. We are working to enable working on documents across both platforms without restriction in the near future.

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