Using the Papers Desktop App With Third Party Cloud Storage Services

Papers is designed to automatically sync your library between devices using the Papers Cloud. Our cloud is optimized for storing research literature (metadata, PDFs, and related data), and Papers offers unlimited storage for your research library in the cloud.  

In the Papers settings, you have the option to choose the folder where your local Papers library files will reside.  We do not recommend you store your Papers library folder in a third party cloud drive (such as Dropbox, OneDrive, iCloud, etc.), as doing so may cause issues with syncing if certain features are turned on.  If you do choose to store your Papers library on a third party cloud drive service, please make sure the service is configured to store all of the files in your Papers folder locally for offline access.  Below are instructions to ensure the service does not selectively sync files on demand (e.g. to reduce disk space):  


Please ensure the "SmartSync" feature is turned off for your Papers folder(s):

  1. Navigate to your Papers folder on your computer using File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac).   
  2. Right click the Papers folder
  3. Hover over Smart Sync
  4. Choose Local

More information may be found here: 


Please ensure the "Files On-Demand" feature is turned off for your Papers folder(s):

  1. Navigate to your Papers folder on your computer using File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac).  
  2. Right click the Papers folder
  3. Choose Always keep on this device

For more information please check below:

iCloud Drive

If you have the "Store in iCloud" setting turned on, please ensure the Papers folder is not optimized for storage in the cloud:

  1. Navigate to your Papers folder on your computer using Finder.
  2. If you see a Cloud download icon, that means your folder is currently not stored locally.   
  3. Right-click on the your Papers library folder and choose Download Now

More information may be found here:

In case you have any additional questions let us know.

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