If you/your organization have placed an order for Papers via third-party channel, you may be sent a license key. Our license keys can be thought of as subscription "credits". If a 1-year license was purchased, your account will be upgraded for 12 months. Each "Key" is a one-time use - you do not need to apply it per device, simply add it to your account page and it will ensure all your connected devices are linked to the upgraded service.

Once you have clicked apply, your account will be upgraded. You will also see the date in which your account will be automatically downgraded.
Anytime before that date, you will need to have a new key to apply a new "credit" to your account otherwise your account will be downgraded. Not to worry - should your account get downgraded - while you can't access features like shared libraries, SmartCite, metrics, or importing new content, you can still view items in your personal library and export PDFs/references if needed.
Once you add a new license key to your account, all of the features will unlock immediately.
If you have any questions - please contact us at [email protected]