We currently have a temporary issue that is affecting some users using SmartCite for Google Docs.
Affected users will notice when they "UPDATE BIBLIOGRAPHY" their inline citations are not in the correct numerical order and if they change to another citation style, that the bibliography would update, but inline references would stay at the previous style. The ordering issue will only pertain to users using a style that uses inline numbers. Other styles like APA where inline references are a mix of Author Name/Year aren't going to be impacted.
While we working on a fix, you will need to manually click on each inline citation and go to REFERENCES > Update Reference
Even if things are out of order, as long as you can click on an inline reference and see the URL pop-up appear, they are being saved correctly into the document so you can continue working on the document and update order/style as the last step.
We do appreciate this may be tedious for longer documents. If you'd like to share the document with us so we can assist - please get in touch with us at [email protected]