We are happy to introduce Group Management on the dashboard. If you don't see Groups as part of your dashboard please contact your Account Manager today to get access to this new feature:
To start head over to dashboard.readcube.com. Once logged in click on the Papers tab.
This will load up the Groups tab by default where you can see all of your groups. Here you can create a group or edit users in a group. To create a group simply click the Create Group button.
Simply Name your group the desired name and click Create. From here you can click add on the right hand side to add team members. Currently, you will need your team members' email addresses. If you want to add multiple users to the same group you can separate names by a comma or a semicolon.
Once added you will see their emails listed under the group. You can delete the group at any time from this screen as well. To add groups to shared libraries click on the Libraries button at the top. This will list all of your shared libraries that the Org has access to. Clicking on a User's number will open the users that are part of that shared library. Where you can add emails of your teammates or groups. Simply enter in the group or email and select the permissions you want assigned to that group/user. There is a hidden group called All Users that will always contain all the users in the organization even if you add or remove people from the org.