Our brand new Query Builder for iOS will make Smart List editing and creation a breeze. Take a look a the following instructions for how to leverage the power of this new feature.
The new editor can be seen by clicking on the settings tab and hitting "Create Smart List".
Let's go over the basics:
- Name: This is where you can name your Smart List. The name will be what shows up in your library lists.
- Query: This will allow you to type a query like you regularly do. When you are done creating your query it will show up in the query builder allowing you to edit it piece by piece.
- Sort By: You can have your Smart List sorted a certain way. This will remain even if you go back to a library view or another Smart List with a different sort and come back. Can be useful if you are building a SmartList with a certain function(IE recently added).
- These are all the options and operators you can use to have the query builder help you build your Smart List. We will go over these in more detail later.
- This is where your Smart Lists can be picked apart and edited. As you build your Smart List you will see everything show up here as simple bubbles that you can edit.
Once your query is built it will look something like this:
Quick Bar:
The quick bar has all the actions you need to start making your own queries. We will go over them one by one.
- Undo / Redo: The undo and redo buttons allow you to undo or redo an action. It stores all the actions you have done in the current session and as soon as you close the SmartList Query Builder will forget your actions. Use this to quickly correct a mistake or bring back something you just deleted.
- Add Field: Use this button to add a new field to the SmartList that you would like to query. For a list of the different types of fields see below.
- Add Operator: This button will add the AND, OR, or NOT field to help you combine complex queries. In most instances, if you don't have an operator between to different searches it will assume AND.
- Range field: This will add a field where you can search between two values. Useful for dates or ratings if you want to find something between 2011-2015 or a rating of 3-5.
- Add new Group: And a new set of parenthesis to what is selected.
- Group Selected: Whatever you have selected will be put into parentheses.
- Move query: Move your query up or down to make it happen sooner or later. Useful when working with groups/parentheses to help you order your query correctly.
- Delete an item: This will allow you to delete a field or operator so that it no longer exists in your query.
Different types of fields
There are several fields you can choose from to search and build your query. Clicking on Each field will give you a preview of the fields you would see. See below for all the field types and the options:
Each Field has only certain options. For instance, the number field will only include Year, All times opened, and Times opened. Clicking on a field will give you certain options. Date fields will allow you to set a date to search. For instance, in the below query the Date Added field will give you the option of now-2M or just before a certain date:

We really hope this helps you create dynamic smart lists that will make your research not only more organized but more powerful as well. Let us know what you think by emailing [email protected].