Introduction to Papers AI Assistant

Our AI assistant, available with either a subscription to Papers Essentials or Papers Pro, offers new and powerful ways to interact with your library of research. One of the most exciting features is our AI reader - designed to help you get the most out of your PDFs. 

To launch AI in the reader, head to the Papers web app and open the article of your choice. From there, look for the "AI" button on the upper left of the screen:

This will launch the AI assistant in a new menu where you can ask any number of questions to help you better understand and benefit from your research.

Some example queries are:

- Summarize this article
- Summarize this article in simple terms
- Translate this article in [language of your choice]
- Was this article peer reviewed?
- Ask AI to define word or concept from article
- Summarize the key findings from this paper

And that's not the only way to enhance your research with AI in Papers. With a subscription to Papers Pro, you'll also have access to our AI Assisted Query Builder, which allows you to convert natural language into search friendly terms.

For example, by clicking on Search - Advanced - AI Assist, you can tell our AI Assistant that you're looking for "all research done on elephant sharks between 2005 and 2024 published in the journal Nature" and our AI Assistant will break that down into search friendly syntax:

But that's not all you can do with Papers AI. With a subscription to Papers Pro, you'll have access to Chat with your Library with AI Assistant. This feature allows you to select a group of articles and ask Papers AI to:

- Locate any commonalities in the research, for example, "do any of these articles mention elephant sharks?" "do any of these articles share the same authors?"
- Expand beyond what's presented in the articles. For example, "have any of these articles been updated?"

For more information on our AI Chat with Library feature, please see this article. 

Try it out today! And, as always, reach out to us at Papers Support.



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