Chat with your Library with AI Assistant (Papers Pro)

With a subscription to Papers Pro, you'll be able to use our AI Assistant to help you better understand the connections in your research.

To activate it, select up to 20 articles in your library and right-click to "ask AI Assistant":

This will launch a new window where you can ask Papers AI to find commonalities in the selected papers:

For example, you can ask:

- what are the main research methods?

- what is the most common conclusion in these articles?

- is there any mention of [drug, disease, etc] in these articles?
- do any of these articles reference each other?
- what do these articles have in common?

Then, simply hit "ask" and the AI Assistant will get to work:

Papers AI will not only answer your query, but show you exactly where in the articles you can find that specific information.

For example, here we have asked Papers AI which species of sharks are mentioned in a group of articles. Once it finishes analysing, Papers provides a summary of its findings - in this case, the names of the various species of sharks - and also generates a reference list of those articles from your library.

By clicking on "show evidence", Papers will show you exactly where the cited information appears within that paper:

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at Papers Support.


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